Natural Way to
Disinfect & Increase Oxygen in Water
Nanobubble Technology with Hydroxyl Radicals
100% Natural
- 0% Chemical
Naias leaves no ecological footprint other than elevated dissolved oxygen level
Unlike chlorine (or copper sulfate and other chemicals) that has ecological footprint in waterways, Naias leaves no ecological footprint, preserving water in its natural state, the foundation of our ecosystem.
~ Works better than chemicals ~
Restoring Natural Balance
“Nanobubbles”: What does it mean?
A web search for “what is nanobubble?” will yield many different definitions along with different classification of bubbles. From a practical application definition for the purpose of aqueous solution (water) remediation, there are only 2 types of bubbles: “Nanobubbles” or “Not Nanobubbles.”
If bubblesREMAIN in the water long enough to IMPLODE INSIDE the water, they are “nanobubbles.”
Not Nanobubbles
If bubbles FLOATto the surface and BURST OUTSIDE the water, they are NOT“nanobubbles.”
How small does bubble need to be to REMAIN in the water?
“Nanobubble”: 3 Critical Factors to Achieve Success
Bubbles need to be smaller than 20 microns
Need sufficient amount of <20 micron bubbles.
End result of SIZE and QUANITY: High EFFICACY
So-called nanobubble companies mention only the SIZE, but NOT the QUANTITY
~ QUANTITY is equally important as small SIZE to achieve EFFICACY ~
Naias: Achieving all 3 factors for Success
Size & Quantity
Naias: >95% (Quantity) of <5micron (Size)
Naias: Efficacy of >95% To achieve desired result
Going beyond treating “symptoms” for short-term gain
For successful water remediation and reclamation, the technology needs to accomplish two (2) things:
Increase dissolved oxygen
Eradicate pathogens (i.e., disinfect)
Present water technologies do one or the other, but not both
Unlike Naias that can do both, PRESENT WATER TECHNOLOGIES are limted…
... if technology increases dissolved oxygen, it does not disinfect.
... If technology disinfects, it does not increase dissolved oxygen.
Naias does BOTH at the SAME TIME:
(i) increases oxygen level and (ii) disinfects.
Approximate 50 gallons of contaminated ground water
Naias N-5 Unit 8LPM O2 Generator 30g/h O3 Generator
At Start
DO: 1.26 mg/L ORP: 173 mV
Ozone (Hydroxyl Radicals)
DO: 37.23 mg/L ORP: 872 mV
Naias Real Life Application (News Reporting on Naias)
Naias effectiveness with (i) DO increase and (ii) Disinfection – both at the same time.
While other technologies address “symptoms” for a short-term gain,
Naias takes “holistic” approach for a long-term resolution.
Vertical Market
~ Examples ~
Naias Solutions 2023 | All Rights Reserved
How small does bubble need to be to REMAIN in the water?
Bubble diameter of 20 micron or less. As a reference, average human hair diameter is 40~50 microns. (NOTE: Naias bubble size is <5 microns.)
Why are “nanobubbles” so important?
Bubbles are only catalyst we have to deliver gas into water – such as oxygen, ozone, etc. So having bubbles releasing gas INSIDE the water is critical. Having bubbles burst OUTSIDE the water will have NO IMPACT on gas dissolution in water.
Bubble size the only thing to consider in nanobubble technology?
No. Bubbles SIZE (<20 micron) is important, but need QUANTITY. Without sufficient QUANTITY of nanobubbles, unable to achieve success. (NOTE: Naias generate >95% of <5 micron bubbles.)
Caveat:Most companies advertise only size of the bubbles with no mention of quantity. This is a true statement, but with faulty conclusion of effectiveness. Every and all aeration devices will generate nanobubble, even a diffuser in your 10 gallon fish tank at home (<1% of nanobubbles). To state this diffuser makes “nanobubbles” is a true statement, but of course lacks QUANITY to be of any use.