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About Us



Dangerous and destructive single-cell organisms in waterways and food production ponds, algae bio-toxins in lakes and ponds, bacteria E-coli in sewage treatment plants and pre-harvest irrigation ponds cost billions of dollars in treatment every year – and this does not include the loss of animal and plant life by use of chemicals that have long-lasting ecological footprint (e.g., chlorine treated water, after being released into waterways, has 2~3 months of ecological footprint, causing adverse impact in our rivers, lakes and ocean). 

Naias, on the other hand, is 100% green technology that leaves no ecological footprint other than elevated dissolved oxygen level which is always beneficial to our ecosystem, restoring the natural balance… and Naias works better than chemical treatment.

Clean Pond in 18 hours with Naias (no chemicals or additives)

~ Works Better than Chemical (i.e., Copper Sulfate) ~

CORE COMPETENCE: Hydroxyl Radicals & O3 conversion to O2

Core competence of Naias is its ability to effectuate large amount of gas dissolution (typically ozone or oxygen) in aqueous solution without any detectable escapement while generating Hydroxyl Radicals with ozone.  As Naias produces >95% of <5 micron bubbles, the efficacy is >95%; hence there is no detectable ozone escapement.  As ozone (O3) infused <5 micron bubbles implode, each of those trillion-up-trillion O3 filled ultrafine nanobubbles create Hydroxyl Radicals (core competence to Naias’ IP and trade-secret), eradicating pathogens.  As OO3 filled bubbles implode, creating Hydroxyl Radicals, OO3 loses one (1) molecule, converting O3 to O2, oxygen.  Naias proprietary process converts all O3 to O2.  Hence 2 statement of:

“Naias leaves no ecological footprint other than increased dissolved oxygen level in water”


“Naias is able to disinfect and increase dissolved oxygen level simultaneously, effecutating “holistic” approach for a long term resolution… while other technologies address “symptoms” for a short-term gain.”


BABCOCK Laboratories Report:  Disinfection & Oxygen increase


EXTREME GAS DISSOLUTION IN WATER:  Naias’ ability to effectuate dissolution of gas in aqueous solution is highest in its class in the industry.  For example, 99% of dissolved oxygen meter in the market only reads up to 20 mg/L because most aeration technologies cannot achieve 20 mg/L oxygen dissolution.  With Naias, however, a special dissolved oxygen meter is required, reading up to 50 mg/L with an optical sensor. Because Naias passes 20 mg/L mark, dissolved oxygen meter of “20 mg/L” is insufficient and of no use.  So one of the requirement to be partner to Naias technology is to purchase optical dissolved oxygen meter, reading up to 50 mg/L or beyond.

COMMERCIAL GRADE OZONE CAPACITY & DISSOLUTION:  Most so-called ozone technology in the market claims using ozone (O3), but this is a misnomer.  One technology makes such claim with “3 mg/h” capacity ozone generator with “no oxygen generator,” using atmosphere air which contains 25%~30% oxygen (O2).  Ozone generators rely on oxygen to create ozone converting O2 to O3 through corona discharge/  Aside from having small capacity ozone generator, using atmosphere air with limited O2 will compound its lack of capacity to produce ozone to have any impact.  On the other hand, Naias’ smallest unit, N-5, utilizes “30 g/h” (which is 3,000x more than “3 mg/h”) ozone generator with 8 LPM oxygen generator that produce >95% oxygen purity.  Naias NB-50 model, for example, utilizes 240 g/h ozone generator with 64 LPM oxygen generator.   Due to non-detectable ozone escapement with Naias’ >95% efficacy, no protective gear is needed for neither Naias unit nor the operator.  Naias is completely safe as proven in over 500+ installations around the world without any incident, generating Hydroxyl Radicals.  The construction of Naias is stainless steel and built to be impervious to ozone contact 24x7x365. 

Power of Naias Ozone with Hydroxyl Radicals

DAF – DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION:  A side-by-side 76 day test  was performed between Naias model N-10 with 5 Hp motor again DAF system with 11 Hp motor.  Operating with air only (no oxygen or ozone or any other gas) Naias outperformed present market DAF system.  While this was expected, the test proved with certainty that Naias’ >95% of <5 micron bubbles is far superior than present DAF system in the market.  The unintended outcome was that Naias used 55% less energy.  As all wastewater treatment plant utilizes >50% of energy on aeration system, Naias is able to save more than overall 25% energy usage in wastewater treatment plants. 

The analogy between Naias and competitive product I can think of is internet connection.  Whether modem dial-up or fiber optics, they both connect to the internet.  When it comes to increasing dissolved oxygen and disinfection, Naias is like “fiber optics” while others are like “dial-up” – both can claim “internet access” but the quality and speed are drastically different.


Naias Solutions is a US water-technology company, owner of intellectual property and trade secrets for a proprietary, unique gas injection technology that produces ultrafine nanobubbles with Hydroxyl Radicals to disinfect and increase dissolved oxygen level simultaneously in aqueous solution (i.e., water).  Naias unit manufacturing is done in US and also in South Korea where work ethics and talent are at the highest level with lower material cost compared to US .  The goal of Naias, however, is find qualified service-partner in a local country to transfer Naias technology for localized assembly and light manufacturing, minimizing supply chain issue.  The right qualified service partner will enter into exclusive license agreement with Naias Solution as mutually agreed.

NPWS (Naias Potable Water System)
~ Naias ~ ECR ~ Tank ~ Membrane

Along with manufacturing different models, Naias Solutions also provides consulting on Naias-based water-solution architect, collaborating with other technologies, such as membrane, skimmer, ECR (Electro Coagulation Recovery), carbon filter and others.  Under “About Naias,” you will see NPWS (Naias Potable Water System) to Dairy Farm Wastewater remediation as examples of Naias Solution Architect, collaborating with other technologies to deliver “water solution in a box.”  Further information is available under “About Naias.”


To implement water-solution, two (2) components are needed: water-technology and service company. 

              Water-Solution = Water-technology + Services

As an IP owner and manufacturer of Naias units and Naias based water solutions architect, Naias Solutions is a water-technology company seeking to partner with service company to deliver water-solution and provide local support.  To be a Naias’ service-partner, the crucial required element is in-house qualified engineer to learn maintenance and operation of Naias.  This is critical as Naias Solutions does not provide on-demand, on-site support; however, Naias provides excellent training and an on-going support to service-partner, following the concept of “if someone comes to you hungry and give him a fish, he will return the next day, but if you TEACH him how to fish, he will not return.”  

After the initial training, establishing a strong foundation, Naias provides effective phone and live video support as needed to help service-partner succeed.  With over-IP messaging such as WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Zoom and others, Naias is always available to provide support to its service-partners – from mechanical issues to project analysis… from lab water analysis parameters to best-practice discussions. 

Naias business model is B2B, similar to “franchisor-franchisee” partnership, supporting service partners and if mutually agreed, transfer Naias technology for localized light manufacturing and assembly.  In a traditional SCM (Supply Chain Management), Naias’ SCM is as follows, allowing each party to stick to what they know and continually improving respective core competencies for mutual success.

Why training is required

With the initial Naias purchase, on-site training on installation, maintenance and operation is required.   Naias partner may not learn everything at the initial training, but will have sufficient foundation for phone/video communication support as needed.

Many people have misconception, believing Naias is as an equipment that is plug-and-play similar to a washing machine.  The difference between a washing machine and Naias (or any water-technology) is that washing machine has same water source (i.e., clean tab water) with one, single purpose of getting clothes clean by mixing water and soap.  Naias (or any water-technology) is quite different in that it does not have same source water as contamination varies from one body of water to the next and the purpose of treatment varies from irrigation water to potable water to improving aesthetics, etc. 

Here is a chart to see the difference between a washing machine and water-technology (Naias).

Due to variances in treatment process, Naias takes consultative approach with service partners. The training is not just about “technology,” but how to effectively approach “water-solution,” specific to Naias.  For example, one aspect of training is not about technology, but understanding the treatment requirement and analysis, asking eight (8) crucial questions of which here are three (3) sample questions:


What is the PROBLEM that needs solving?


What is the PURPOSE for the treatment?


What is the VOLUME OF WATER and how much TIME to treat?

This non-technology aspect of training is to perform proper analysis that is specific to Naias; and given what service company’s experience and knowledge of a specific vertical market, determine “go” or “no go” on the requirement.  As Aristotle once wrote, “if you have power to do, you also have power not to do.”  

How to perform proper PROJECT ANALYSIS is equally important as learning about maintenance and operation of Naias.  The training is not purely intellectual, but hands-on, learning about collaborative technologies and identifying the resources needed, including how to calculate flow rate and how long it would take to reach a desired goal.  Like most things in life “speed costs money” and knowing HOW to calculate the “cost” of treatment with Naias is a critical aspect of training

Science is about converting money into knowledge… and innovation is converting knowledge into money.  “Technology” training is about “knowledge” which is very important, but equally important is “converting this knowledge into money.” 

The training corresponds to the type of partnership formed, establishing mutual SLA (Service Legal Alignment).

SUMMARY: Naias Business Model & Training

Naias Solutions is water-technology company who will provide its technology to the service partner.  Service partner must have qualified engineer to receive proper training… and the training does not end with “technology,” but proper application to add value.  Emphasis is given to learning how to properly operate Naias under different circumstances as source water to be treated and the purpose for treatment varies from on requirement to the next.  It’s like purchasing a musical instrument, like guitar.  After getting the guitar, one must learn how to change strings and learn chords and notes (i.e., maintenance and operation of Naias) for the purpose of using 6 strings with chords and notes to make must (i.e., establish economic gain).  Naias technology works, but learning HOW TO USE Naias to achieve economic gain is the goal.

Overall there are three (3) broad types of service partners that Naias seeks.  The chart below provides a glimpse of SLA (Service Level Alignment).

If you are interested in becoming Naias service partner, please go to “Contact” tab above

Vision & Mission


Clean water globally, restoring natural balance, raising the quality of life for all.


Form collaborative partnership with water-services company to implement Naias water-solution architect, achieving global waterways to be swimmable and fishable.

Solution offerings


Reintroduce clean, healthy water back into ecosystem.


Make available clean, healthy water for human consumption and use.


Increase the health value of water by dissolution of oxygen, hydrogen, ozone and/or other desired gas for human consumption, live stock and irrigation.

Naias Solutions 2023 | All Rights Reserved